What is a linked bank account for?
Per SFC guidelines, for non face-to-face onboarding, you will have to make a deposit of HKD10,000 or equivalent to verify your identity with Endowus. Once your Endowus account is approved, the bank account that your initial deposit came from will be linked to your Endowus account as a designated bank account.
Also, per SFC guidelines, you are required to make subsequent deposits and withdrawals from the linked bank accounts.
Where can I view my linked bank accounts?
You can view details of your linked bank account after you've logged into your Endowus account by the following steps:
- On the top right, click on Human icon
> Linked bank accounts
- You will see your linked bank accounts as follow
Do I need to set up specific bank accounts to use Endowus?
You can use your existing bank accounts for deposits, investments and withdrawals, as long as the bank accounts are in your own name.
Can I link someone else’s bank account/ joint name account?
As part of our Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) policy, we cannot accept deposits transferred from a third party, including bank accounts that belong to your family members and friends. By the same token, you cannot link a joint name account to your Endowus account.
Can I link more than one bank account?
Yes – Per SFC guidelines, you can have multiple linked bank accounts.
If you wish to link another bank account, simply make a deposit of HKD10,000 or USD1,300 from a Hong Kong bank account under your name, we will automatically verify and link the bank account for you. There is no lock-up on our platform and you are free to withdraw anytime after the bank account is verified.
Learn about how to make a deposit here
What do I do when I am asked to verify my account?
As of now, you can verify your bank accounts with Endowus by:
- Making deposits of HK10,000 or USD1,300
- The deposits have to be from Hong Kong bank accounts in your name.
How can I change my linked bank account?
Please use your registered email address to reach out to support.hk@endowus.com and let us know the following details:
- Account Holder Name
- Bank Name
- Account Number
Per SFC guidelines, as part of the verification process you will be required to make one deposit transaction of at least HKD 10,000 from the bank account you wish to link. There is no lock-up on our platform and you are free to withdraw anytime after the bank account is verified.
After we have received your email request and confirmed the deposit, we will update your linked bank account and you can use it for deposits and withdrawals.